Donald Trump sworn in as US President
The word “savior” is usually associated with religious devotion. However, it is also defined as “a person who saves someone or something, especially a country or cause, from danger.”
The latter definition is especially relevant in this time of virtually unprecedented and extraordinary national division and chaos. The person most qualified by the Constitution to save the country is the president. Frequently referred to as “the chief executive,” it is indisputable that the American President is the head of the executive branch of the United States’ Republic. It is, therefore, also indisputable that “the person” should have demonstrated a proven history of executive competence.
In the 2020 election it appears questionable whether the next president will be a “person” or a “group of persons,” If Biden, the current favorite, is elected de-jure president, or the consortium of Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and the like become the de-facto presidency, they all have one thing in common. Every one of them has tacitly or explicitly voiced support for the violence, burning, and looting taking place. Their core supporters, the ultra violent terrorist groups such as Antifa and BLM have threatened to “burn down the country” if they do not get their electoral demands!
Furthermore, their intent to defund, or even eliminate, local law enforcement capabilities greatly reduces the likelihood of the country ever returning to domestic tranquility. By their promising to defund the military in the face of Chinese, Russian, and other threatening powers, the very existence of the country could be in doubt!
As suggested previously, the calamities noted, as well as far too many others to describe, should be addressed by the president, the chief executive officer of the United States.
From birth, Donald Trump was bequeathed the attributes of a successful executive. His father, undoubtedly his primary influence, was an ambitious, hard working, hard driving, and very successful executive. Always abstaining from alcohol and smoking, Donald became an accomplished athlete in military school, where he had already displayed leadership qualities.
He was awarded a degree in economics from the prestigious Wharton School. After college, he joined the family business, where he eventually became its president. He then began to rapidly expand its activities to include a variety of entertainment facilities, as well as residential and commercial office buildings. In addition, he entered the entertainment business, where among other ventures, he produced the highly successful Apprentice television series. Along the way he wrote books, including the best seller, “The Art of the Deal,”
His virtually unparalleled successes in the multiple executive activities noted, along with his increasing political perspicacity, soon made Donald Trump one of the most influential figures in America’s largest city. With that apex as a launching pad, he inevitably received increasing national and international recognition for his outstanding achievements. Given his acquired political acumen, the next logical step for this now world class executive was the job of Chief Executive of the worlds’ greatest country.
Donald Trump brought more years of successful executive achievements to the presidency than anyone else in American history. In his inaugural address he stated, in part, “In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving…The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.”
Upon assuming office, President Trump’s “America First” philosophy, and his “Make America Great Again” policy, resulted in his beginning to dismantle existing government regulations. Freed from the record number of oppressive Obama era rules and regulations, the economy began to flourish. Such vital economic indicators as Gross Domestic Product, Industrial Production, Labor Force Participation, Unemployment, and the Stock Markets, all improved dramatically!
For far too long, appointments to the vitally important Federal Judiciary have resulted in increasingly leftward political rulings. These rulings frequently appear to be based on political positions, rather than Constitutional doctrine. President Trump, and Senate Majority Leader McConnell, have combined to nominate, and successfully confirm a record number of some 200 judges, to hopefully improve a still unfavorable judicial balance.
Early in his administration the president signed a major tax reform bill, the Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017, the biggest change in Federal tax code in 30 years. Its major provisions were intended to, and were successful in, further improving the already expanding Trump economy.
For decades American presidents had promised to make the country energy independent of foreign oil. President Trump eliminated some of the obstructive rulings of the Obama administration. He then initiated a program of exploring for sources of oil. Therefore, the United States finally did become energy independent.
President Trump’s foreign policy is quite naturally an America First foreign policy. As with any president, his top priority is to always protect and preserve the national security of the United States. Recognizing that the only way to preserve peace is to maintain a strong military, he has placed a high priority on rebuilding American military capabilities.
The beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and some few examples of police brutality, brought a halt to all of the favorable Trumpian progress. Some state and local politicians, seeking moments of fame, have imposed onerous new regulations on the general public, some of which appear to be unconstitutional. Organized terrorist groups, such as Antifa, and BLM activists, using paid professional agitators, have used these events as an excuse to incite riots, burning and looting of public and private properties, and deadly assaults on police, and on innocent people.
All signs point to an unabated, and even increasing, violence as the November elections approach. The Democrat nominees, Biden and their prevailing consortium, as previously noted, have all, either “tacitly or explicitly, voiced support for the violence, burning, and looting taking place,” calling it “demonstrations.”
Donald Trump, with his lifetime record of executive accomplishments, importantly including the first three years of his presidency, is the only alternative to correcting the country’s anguish. Therefore, the re-election of President Trump is essential for the return to, and resurgence of, the United States’ greatness!