A portrait of Andrew Jackson behind President Trump in the Oval Office. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
The careers of two of America’s greatest presidents, Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump, have more meaningful parallels than any other American presidents. The primary historical/political cord that binds them together is the word “establishment.”
In the political history of the United States, the word “establishment” has never been so dominant or so consequential to the future of the Republic. The most relevant definition of the word is “ the dominant group in a field of endeavor, and seen as resisting change.”
It was in 2015, when Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy, that “resisting change” came to the forefront. There had always been some sort of establishment, but usually of political professionals. The general public seemed unaware or little concerned.
With the Trump announcement, the existing establishment and their satellite media suddenly exploded with alarm, propagandizing the dreadful fate that would befall the country. Such behavior is, of course, not unusual in presidential campaigns. However, the intensity of vituperative language directed at the candidate, his family, and any close associates, was unparalleled in modern American history. What is unusual, however, is the extraordinary focus on establishment, that “he is not one of us, and therefore cannot possibly be qualified to govern.
The first six presidents of the United States, governing the forty years between 1789-1829, George Washington to John Quincy Adams, were quintessential representatives of the American aristocracy. They then naturally attained preeminence in the then existing political establishment.
The growing country, however, was ready for a transition from rule by the aristocracy, to ultimate rule by vox populi. That transition would begin with the election of the seventh president!
Andrew Jackson matured very rapidly. Even as a boy, he displayed great courage by refusing to clean the boots of a British officer during the Revolutionary War. The officer scarred young Jackson’s face, resulting in a lifetime hatred of the British, which served Jackson well in future combat.By age 15 he had become an active combatant in the war for independence.
After the war he became an attorney, later prospering in land speculation and a variety of other business activities. He also became successful in the legislative and judicial branches of government.
The outbreak of the War of 1812 brought national attention to then Major General Andrew Jackson’s military genius. His continuing combat success and personal bravery culminated in his march to New Orleans. His brilliant military tactics resulted in overwhelming casualties to the much larger British force. The so called “Miracle of New Orleans” opened any and all doors to his future, obviously most importantly, the Presidency of The United States!
Donald Trump grew up in an affluent part of Queens, New York. His father, a real estate developer, was reported to be a stern workaholic, quite obviously a major influence. He attended a military school where he was a very successful athlete. He was awarded a degree in economics from the prestigious Wharton School.
After college, Mr. Trump joined the family business, where he eventually became its president. He then substantially expanded his father’s real estate business activities to include hotels, casinos, and golf clubs worldwide. Additional ventures included ownership of the Miss Universe pageants and the highly successful Apprentice television series.
His extensive renovation and construction work in the extremely competitive, brutal, and sometimes dangerous, New York City markets provided a type of combat experience, along with the required “art of the deal” abilities. Inevitably the need for a never-ending number of approvals and permits in the innumerable City agencies required involvement in local politics and the development of political acumen.
The combination of the increasing favorable publicity deriving from his various successes, his political acumen, and his driving ambition, inevitably led to national fame, and ultimately to the Presidency of the United States!
The preceding concise biographies are intended to describe the background events leading to the attainment of the presidency by these two great Americans. At that point, their parallelism became of supreme significance.
Clearly, the most momentous Jackson-Trump parallel was the breaching of the then existing establishments. As previously noted, the first six presidents were aristocrats. The Jacksonian upbringing and attitudes brought a rapid ending to their type of governing. The establishment facing Trump included most of the years between FDR and Barack Obama. Those years were primarily characterized by government expansion and waste, and increasing rules and regulations, abridging American liberty.
When Donald Trump became President, he immediately began a parallel attempt to reverse all the damage the prevailing establishment had supported over the many years! If he is re-elected in 2020, the opportunity will exist for a continuation of a “new birth of freedom” in this great republic.
Another important parallel was the thundering “America First” philosophy of both presidents. Both were American Patriots and would resist encroachments by foreign governments, or United Nations or World Bank type organizations.
The never-ending power conflict between legislative and executive branches of government had immense impact on both presidents. Although Jackson won both the popular and electoral college vote in his first presidential attempt, the then House of Representatives had stolen the presidency from him. That continuing conflict was forcefully exhibited when the current House impeached President Trump.
An adjunct to the preceding conflict is the continuing extreme personal antipathy between the Jackson House Speaker, Henry Clay, and the Trump House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi!
Both Jackson and Trump issued far more Vetos than any of their immediate predecessors!
One of the most contentious issues in contemporary America is the right, in the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, to bear arms! The Democrats, their satellite media, and some cowardly Republicans, have increasingly sought ways to curtail, or even eliminate that right. President Trump, on the other hand, is a strong supporter of that priceless right. The evidence, given his personal history, is overwhelming that President Jackson also supported that freedom.
Given the warlike attitudes, and the increasing military capabilities, of the US potential adversaries, the attempt by the Obama administration, and the expressed intention of a possible Biden administration, and its political allies, to weaken the US military, is criminal. From the start of his administration, President Trump has been increasing the military capabilities to protect the USA. Given his successful, and very aggressive military background, the evidence is again overwhelming that President Jackson would parallel that increase!
The most important parallel of Jackson and Trump, at this moment in American history, has been to keep the USA free from foreign and domestic tyranny. A relevant definition of the latter would be “cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.” Inasmuch as the mass domestic riots currently engulfing the country are treated with tacit approval by the Obama, Biden, Pelosi contingent, the only hope for relief would be the re-election of President Trump, the contemporary version of, “The American Lion.”